Game Clock, Shadows, Emotes
Today is just the first in a series of brief game development updates giving a quick glance at some of the features I'm currently...
Introducing HeroBound
It's been an arduous road, full of twelve to sixteen-hour working days, but I'm happy to say that what was just a tech demo with...
New Site
Brand new site design for It's looking pretty slick!
Follow @zimmed_io to stay connected with the latest updates.
Don't Compromise
When it comes to consulting, communication is the most important aspect. You need consultants that can understand and share your vision for the project, whether or not you are fluent in "engineer." With experience in various industries, working with clients of all levels of technical knowledge, we pride ourselves on taking the time and effort to fully understand our clients without the need of middlemen (read: sales department).
We know it's hard to define every bit of the final product upfront -- and you shouldn't have to. We're more than happy to work with you to prototype different features with frequent demos so you can decide what works and what doesn't as we move forward. There's always time to change your mind.
Can we build it? The answer is almost always a resounding and emphatic "Yes!" We are not your weary, internal engineering department who pushes back on every request. Whatever it is, there is, with few exceptions, always a way to accomplish it, and we'll work tirelessly to find the right option for your budget and deadlines.
Don't wait to start your project. Contact us any time for a free estimate.
Performance Is Key
Proper optimization for both servers and clients is absolutely imperative for keeping web applications accessible to the average user. Poorly-optimized code is only too common, especially in the JavaScript world, and even runs rampant in the core NodeJS codebase. There's no excuse for ignoring performance, especially in the client. Contrary to popular belief, JavaScript is not inherently non-performant. In some instances, it will actually outperform standard C implementations, but it does require extensive knowledge of JavaScript engines -- which are constantly changing.
We have extensive experience in low-level web development with an emphasis on performance optimizations. From porting bulky operations to WebAssmebly, to binary data serialization for faster and lighter network communication, every aspect of our applications are rigorously analyzed and optimized. This is especially critical in resource-intesive projects such as our latest endeavor, HeroBound: The Web-Based MMORPG built on a server, BabylonJS on the client, and using full-stack TypeScript.
If you're a developer looking for some JavaScript optimization advice, feel free to reach out with your problem. Time permitting, we'll be glad to give you some free assistance.
Test, Build, Deploy.
Nothing creates more happiness in both engineering and business than properly-configured automation. So often this process is absolutely horrendous at large orgnizations because the developers lack automation experience, and the QA and DevOps engineers aren't familiar enough with the development environment. We firmly believe that a well-rounded developer ought to be fully versed in automation -- from unit testing to cloud deployments.
Are you still running monolith servers that don't automatically scale with server load? Does a build and deployment take longer than 10 minutes? Do your deployments regularly require manual oversight? Do you have to re-test deployments on your production server after passing on your staging server? It may be time to improve your automation.
No Limitations
First-Class Web
Web is no longer a second-class citizen to native applications. Generally speaking, your application is much better suited for the web. Why add barriers like downloads and installations when users can begin using your application as soon as they visit your website? There are some technical limitations, of course, but modern web standards are quickly evolving to remove the gap between a user's experience in their browser as compared to a native application. If we can build a massively-multiplayer 3D video game for the browser, there's little reason to believe your desktop application can't run as a web service.
Some may find porting large applications to the web daunting, but we enjoy the challenge!
Need help with your SaaS application?
Shoot us an email or reach out to @zimmed_io on X.
Zimmed, LLC
1111B S Governors Ave STE 3939
Dover, DE 19904